A Few Reasons Why You Should Be Happy Today

“I statements” to train your brain

Susie Pinon
3 min readMay 19, 2022
girl on beach laughing
Photo by Author

According to some studies, happy people are more likely to live longer, have stronger immune systems, and cope better with stress. Happiness also has been linked with increased productivity, creativity, and even earnings.

So what does it take to be a happy person?

  1. Close Relations
  2. Community
  3. Meaningful work
  4. Having a sense of accomplishment
  5. Enjoying leisure activities
  6. Savoring life’s pleasures

Ultimately, being happy is about finding ways to enjoy life, even when things are tough. By doing so, you can reap the many benefits that come from being a happy person.

“I Statements”

Many people find that making “I statements” is an effective way to communicate. An “I statement” is a sentence that begins with the word “I,” followed by a statement about how you feel.

For example, “I feel excited when I complete a task. I am proud of that.”

This type of sentence can be helpful because it expresses how you feel clearly and effectively. It makes you feel good.



Susie Pinon

If I’m not typing, I’m at the beach, eating chocolate, yoga-ing, or watching my soaps. Here to help you grow into your best self without making it hurt.😉